Welcome to Cape to Cape Nutrition

Nutrition and Dietetic advice in the South West

Who I am What I do

Telehealth Appointments Now Available

Cape to Cape Nutrition offers both in-person and Telehealth (video-call or telephone) appointments.

Nourish your body mind and soul through flexible sustainable satisfying nutrition

Faye Castle
Dietitian and Nutritionist
Margaret River, Busselton


Faye, owner of Cape to Cape Nutrition, is an experienced Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist, providing personalised nutrition advice in the South West of Western Australia.  She currently holds clinics in Margaret River and Busselton.

Faye graduated from Curtin University in 1999 with both a Bachelor of Science (Nutrition and Food Science) and Graduate Diploma in Dietetics.  She also holds a Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education and has completed additional training in Eating Disorders, nutrition counselling techniques (ACT, CBT-E) and the Health At Every Size/Non-Diet Approach.  Faye has been awarded the Eating Disorder Credential by the Australia & New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED).

Faye is experienced in the Dietetic management of a range of diet-related health conditions, with a special interest in diabetes self-management, gut health, nutrition for chronic pain and disordered eating, including clinically diagnosed eating disorders.  She is passionate about empowering people to self-manage their health conditions and achieve their personal health goals, in a supportive and non-judgemental way.

Healthy eating is more than simply fuelling your body to meet its nutritional needs.  Eating food that is enjoyable, satisfying and fits in with your lifestyle and capacity, helps make behaviour changes sustainable.  At Cape to Cape Nutrition, Faye is interested in understanding your unique food and nutrition needs and optimising your relationship with food, recognising that no one eating plan suits all.

Services at Cape to Cape Nutrition

At Cape to Cape Nutrition, Faye offers individualised nutrition assessment, education and practical support to help you improve your wellbeing through food choices. Starting with your current eating pattern, she will work with you to develop a realistic, tailored eating plan that empowers you to achieve and maintain your individual nutrition goals.  Changing eating habits can be hard, so support is provided to help you overcome any challenges that may (and often do!) pop up along the way.

During your initial 60 minute appointment, Faye will complete a thorough nutrition assessment with you, taking into account your medical and family history, your lifestyle and capacity, physical activity levels, medications or supplements, your usual food intake and preferences, eating attitudes, beliefs and behaviours, and any food intolerances or other dietary requirements.

You will receive feedback on your current nutritional status and be able to discuss potential areas for improvement. Depending on your needs, Faye may provide education on the important role of diet in health, help you work towards a more positive relationship with food and your body, and help you build practical skills in meal planning, shopping or cooking.

Based on your individual health goals and your readiness and ability to change, together you will decide on the specific actions you will take to modify your eating behaviours and/or relationship with food. Having a clear, achievable plan, which addresses your unique barriers to taking action, is key to increasing your motivation and confidence to achieve your goals.  With your consent, Faye may communicate with relevant members of your healthcare team to ensure more effective and coordinated care.

As an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) for over 20 years, Faye is skilled in assessing your health and nutrition status and translating the latest nutrition science into practical advice, so that you can make positive and lasting changes to your eating behaviours. With so much conflicting nutrition information at our fingertips these days, Faye can help you sort through the nutrition hype and provide you with simplified credible advice, without the need for expensive products.  Faye takes a “food-first” approach to health and nutrition, helping you build life-long skills to nourish yourself with real food, reserving the use of supplements for when nutrition needs can’t be met with food alone and where there is good evidence of benefit.

As an APD, Faye has completed post-graduate university training and undertakes ongoing professional education, so you can be confident you are receiving dietary advice based on the latest nutrition research and evidence-based guidelines.  APDs are the most qualified healthcare professionals to provide nutrition advice, which includes medical nutrition therapy to treat diet-related disease. In fact, APDs are the only nutrition professionals recognised by the Australian Government and Medicare, and as such you may be eligible for rebates for your appointments.

See below for more details on how Faye can help with particular medical conditions.

Weight Concerns

Free yourself from the exhausting vicious cycle of dieting and build life-long skills and confidence in nourishing your body and mind with a weight-neutral Non-Diet Approach.

Eating Disorders

Nutritional assessment and management of disordered eating and clinically diagnosed eating disorders including Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and ARFID, as part of a multi-disciplinary treatment team.


Learn skills and strategies to help you self-manage your blood glucose levels, whether you are living with Type 1 or Type 2, Pre-diabetes or Gestational Diabetes.

Heart Health

Develop healthy lifestyle behaviours to manage risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure or raised cholesterol.

Gut Health

Learn how to manage gastrointestinal issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Coeliac Disease, Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis, Diverticular Disease, reflux, constipation and diarrhoea. Discover strategies to optimise your gut microbiome.

Food Intolerances

Step by step support in identifying and managing individual food intolerances, which may include the use of evidence based elimination diets such as the Low FODMAP diet for IBS, or the RPAH Elimination diet for food chemical intolerance.

Women’s Health

Optimise your nutrition and wellbeing during pregnancy, lactation or menopause.  Learn about dietary strategies to help manage the symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

General Nutrition

Optimise your health and vitality with practical, sustainable strategies to help you meet your nutrition requirements, correct any deficiencies and navigate the confusing world of food and nutrition!

What is the Non-Diet Approach?

Experience and research shows time and time again that diets just don’t work in the long-term. Dieting is exhausting, stressful and impossible to maintain from a biological, emotional and social standpoint. In fact, diets often do more harm than good and over time are associated with weight gain, disordered eating and body dissatisfaction.

If you have been on diets in the past, you may be all too familiar with the frustrations of regaining any weight lost (often with interest!), as is the case with about 95% of dieters. Starving your body, and depriving yourself of your favourite foods is simply not sustainable. It is likely to lead to feelings of being out of control when exposed to “forbidden” foods, which we inevitably are, and result in overeating and associated feelings of shame and guilt.

The non-diet approach provides an alternative to dieting for people with body weight concerns. It takes the focus off the pursuit of weight loss and instead focuses on achieving improved health outcomes through healthy behaviours. At the core of the non-diet approach is the focus on responding to internal eating cues, (physical hunger and fullness and the pleasure aspects of eating), self-care, and a non-judgmental, nurturing and grateful attitude towards yourself and food. This is sometimes referred to as Mindful Eating or Intuitive Eating and encourages the use of all your senses to guide you in making food choices that are both satisfying and nourishing, without feelings of guilt, shame or deprivation.

There is an emerging body of research which shows that the non-diet approach can lead to improvements in health measures such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as sustained increases in physical activity and diet quality.  Furthermore, this approach has been shown to significantly improve measures of disordered eating, depression, self-esteem and body image, when compared to traditional dieting.

Ditching diet mentality can take time, especially if you have had a long history of yo-yo dieting. Faye is trained in the non-diet approach and can support you throughout your intuitive eating journey, where you will learn life-long skills for flexible healthy eating.  By combining your intuition with nutrition, you can start to trust your body again to guide your eating decisions, rather than relying on external food rules or strict meal plans. You will notice how different foods make you feel, without judgement, and become more aware of your physical hunger, fullness and satisfaction cues to guide your decisions to start and stop eating.

Tuning in to this inner wisdom can change your relationship with food, permanently. It can help you understand and overcome emotional eating and food cravings. It allows you to enjoy eating food that you feel like when you are hungry, eat until you are comfortably satisfied, and build your confidence to select the types and amounts of foods to best nourish your body, mind and soul.

Ultimately you will feel calm and relaxed around all foods, and enjoy eating again guilt-free!

Making an Appointment

Book Online

Margaret River clinic appointments are available on Tuesdays by clicking the booking button below, or contact Faye on 0406 324 557 or faye@capetocapenutrition.com.au

Alternative days for appointments, including Telehealth (video or phone) appointments, are available.  Please contact Faye to discuss your needs.

Busselton clinic appointments are available on Wednesdays and can be made by phoning 9752 4174


Initial appointment (approx.  50 minutes): $150

Review appointment  (approx.  30 minutes): $90

Appointment fees include a comprehensive nutrition assessment and review of medical history; formulation of a personalised nutrition plan; provision of nutrition education, counselling and follow up resources; report writing and communication with your referring healthcare provider for coordinated care.


Medicare rebates (currently $60.35 per appointment) are available for face to face and Telehealth consults when referred by your GP on a Chronic Disease Management Plan or Eating Disorder Management Plan.

Department of Veteran Affairs Gold Card holders are eligible for full rebates if referred by a medical practitioner.

Private Health Fund rebates may apply – please check your policy details. No referral required.

NDIS referrals are accepted for participants with self-managed or plan-managed funding.

EFTPOS and HICAPS facilities are available for payment and claiming at the time of your appointment.

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